Thank you very much for you attention guys.
How are you, I hope you are in good and healthy condition, so this time I will discuss what a cover letter is, its types, structure, characteristics and examples.
Definition of Application Text
A job application letter is a letter from someone who needs a job to a person or official who can provide a job or position. Through this cover letter, the application asks to be given a job.
Type of Application Text
According to the type of creation of job application letters are divided into two, namely as follows:
1. This job application letter is combined with a curriculum vitae. In this way, the curriculum vitae is included in the body of the letter because its contents are combined, this method is also called the combined model.
2. Cover letter separated from a curriculum vitae. In this way the curriculum vitae is an appendix and this method is called a separate model.
In a practice that is widely used is a separate model. Although it requires two times of work to make, this model is preferred by job seekers because the letter is not too long.
Application Text Structure
The systematics of job application letters are as follows:
• Place and date of writing the letter
• Attachment
• Thing
• Mailing address
• Greetings
• Opening paragraph
• Contents
• Closing Paragraph
• Closing
• Signature and full name
Characteristics of a Job Application Letter
1. Place and Date (Place and date are placed in the upper right corner without a dot at the end, because it is not a sentence). Example: Jakarta, March 31, 2005
2. Attachments and Subject
• The words 'Attachment' and 'About' cannot be abbreviated like lamp or thing.
• Numbers in the attachment column are written using letters.
Example :
– Attachment : One Sheet
– Subject: Job Application
3. Mailing Address
• Do not use the words "To".
• The suggested address is no more than three lines.
• Positions may not use gender like father or mother.
• The words "Street" in an address should not be abbreviated.
• Cannot use dots at the end of each line
Example :
Dear. Independent Success Manager
Jalan M. Yamin No. 02
4. Greetings
• After the word "Sincerely" must use a comma.
• The word with respect should be combined with the next sentence, even if it is replaced by a line as usual, it can still be used.
Example :
– Sincerely, based on . . . . . . . . . . (recommended)
– Yours faithfully,
– Based on . . . . . . . . . . (still usable)
5. Opening Paragraph
In the opening paragraph, it is better to use good and polite language and make the institution that reads it not offended.
6. Contents
The contents also include :
• Identity
Namely an information in the form of name, place of birth date, address, last education and can be added again according to need. In writing a statement above, the word prefix does not use capital letters.
Example :
Name : Adam Nuradhi Wibowo
Place of birth: Lenteng Agung, October 24, 2008
last education : S1 Informatics System
Address : Depok, Beji, 52273
• Purpose and objectives
It is a description of the reason the sender or job applicant wrote the letter.
• Declare Attachments
In this job application there are several attachments about the requirements that have been requested by the agency that requires workers, then the applicant must fulfill the requested attachments. In this appendix, each sentence must end with a colon, and at the end of the appendix, use a period.
Example :
1. Photocopy of diploma that has been legalized;
2. Photocopy of identity card;
3. Photo size 3x4 two sheets
7. Closing
In closing, we must show our enthusiasm in applying for a job at the agency we are aiming for.
Example: that's the job application letter that I made, the message of my hope to be part of the company .........
8. Signature and Full Name
This signature is in the lower right corner of the letter, then below it is written with your full name.
Example: Sincerely,
Sample Application Text
Exercise (Page 17-18) and Part D (Page 20) Chapter 1 Part 2
This the discussion of the material on this occasion regarding the discussion of what a cover letter is, its types, structure, characteristics and examples, see you again on the next blog, if there are words that are wrong and not pleasing, please forgive and always take care of your health and thank you all.
Video Discussion about Application Letter Chapter 1 Part 2
Thank you very much for you attention guys.
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